Rex Begonias, with their stained glass foliage, have been delighting people since Victorian times. These easy houseplants come in such a range of sizes (from minis only 3” tall and wide to giants that get almost 3 feet wide), foliage colors (rose, red, silver, chartreuse, orange, black, and awesome combos), and textures, you are sure to find one (or many) to suit your fancy! All will bloom (usually white, pink, or rose) but some bloom better than others. It seems that the more colorful the foliage, the more mousey and shy the flowers. But some of the green/chartreuse foliaged plants put on such a flower show you can’t see the leaves!
Rex Begonias like a warm, bright location, away from drafts and heat sources. Keep the begonias moist but not soggy, never sitting in a saucer of water, feeding every 3rd watering (see last week’s Gardening Wisdom). Give your Rex Begonias a summer vacation outside in a bright shade or morning sun location (as a container plant). You will be awed with their beauty.
Variety Spotlight #2, 2/24/2008 © Hilltop Farm
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